@boyter @anshumalis I know. I see it all over social media. Six months ago ago Germany was being hailed as one of the countries handling it best. 😕
April 7. The novelty of snow has officially worn off. https://t.co/NlH7sY3oRh
RT @scrivenix: I Am Once Again Asking You To Put The Time Zone In Your Online Event Announcements.
RT @pcalcado: Managers “don’t do anything” the same way operating systems “don’t do anything.”
@charrett I’m intrigued by this… 🦌
@susiegii Today we’ve gone from white-out snow to clear sunshine like 4x. It’s nuts! https://t.co/yBYOFnUBMA
RT @cdkday: ONE THOUSAND people have signed up to attend CDK Day on 30th April 🎉
I know i’ll be there! Will you?
In a fit of crafting pique, I ordered 300 black buttons on Amazon the other day and then had a minor freakout before they arrived, paranoid that I wouldn’t have storage for what I envisioned to be a HUGE amount of buttons.
Instead, I am once again crap at estimating volume. https://t.co/F9LIY6APFu