@gilmae @MichelePlayfair I know. I did think about it. But it was so much damn work as it was!
@gilmae @MichelePlayfair Well, now you made me think about it, didn’t you? If I extended the jacket pattern… it’s essentially a lab coat, yeah? 🤔
@gilmae @MichelePlayfair I hope you’re happy. This path ends with me in the park on Friday getting a disease from picking up pigeon feathers.
@MichelePlayfair @gilmae Actually… there are a *lot* of crows around here. I could probably find ACTUAL CROW FEATHERS. 😳
@cobusbernard I love that you found a bald beardy animated gif to illustrate this. 😂
Blog post: Building the Oscar Contest entry form! https://t.co/LYNMdUN7Ia My first proper app built with @AWSAmplify and @reactjs. (Pro tip: @mavi888uy’s YouTube videos are a great intro if you’re new to these technologies.) https://t.co/i22hm3XF3b
@roisinparkes @darthted @JobAdder @lightningdb Sadly, just had to change to virtual. 🙁
@dtraub @Meetup Ugh. That’s ridiculous.
@darkosubotica @Werner @GoHugoIO @jekyllrb @QuinnyPig And when Darko says “almost anything,” you know that Venn diagram includes a lot of pre-2000 hardware. 😂
The sun made a valiant effort to peek through the clouds, so I figured I’d better take the opportunity to get out in it. 18.5km/11.5mi ride to Olympiapark and Luitpoldpark. I also found the 1972 Olympic Massacre Memorial, which to my surprise was only opened 4 years ago… https://t.co/d5V8G7Xgwa
RT @graemeknows: BRING BACK SATISFYING COMPUTER POWER SWITCHES. That’s it. That’s the tweet. Thanks for stopping by. https://t.co/HrpBMQaoaY
@LilianJamieDean It will be. Still pretty cold out there… I want proper Spring!
RT @timothysc: I’ll admit it… Amazon has been doing better in the communities I’ve been involved with. I know I’ve given them a lot of s…
@soganmageshwar Haha, thanks. I can’t believe I made four of them this year. Clearly the cabin fever is setting in… 😜
@codepo8 Heh. https://t.co/h2KyzofRDO
RT @cdkday: Big Announcement
@mattbonig has worked with AWS so that we will have live sign language interpreters using ASL for all talks a…