Shared today on Twitter

Listening to my buddy @lightningdb speak about money stuff at @SydTechLeaders and momentarily forgot to mute myself. πŸ˜‚ Apologies Dave! #sydtechleaders

@lightningdb @SydTechLeaders PS it was totally @gilmae’s fault, really.

@randomknits I just went to the German supermarket and forgot my wallet and used ApplePay from my phone. But normally I just tap my card. Maybe they mean in the US? People there still write CHECKS, for god’s sake. *shudder*

@hannahcancode I got two Roald Dahl chocolate Easter Eggs shipped from Australia by the very kind @BrainwaveFactor… and I was also not mindful. In fact, I was halfway through one before I realised it had Pop Rocks embedded in the chocolate. πŸ˜‚πŸ’₯

Die Sonne scheint, also fahre ich. β˜€οΈπŸš΄β€β™€οΈ

My first #datamadness meetup, and my first experience using @gather_town! Looking forward to the talk from Jens Winklemann from @talpasolutions, talking about data science and very large machines!

RT @BillVest: Hey my European peeps

Inspiration, education, & audience participation! It’s all waiting for you at the all-free, all-virtua…

@talpasolutions Thanks @WinmanJ for handling all the questions we kept throwing at you!

@Vel12171 @MooseManzini I’m totally adding that to the Good Stuff File, Veliswa. πŸ™‚