Aww, nice callout in today’s Sizzle for my friend @lindamciver’s event about improving data literacy in kids. Lind and @DataSciAu are doing great work and definitely worth checking out!
@lindamciver @DataSciAu Haha, sounds like somebody referred you to @decryption, who curates the newsletter!
@mmastertheone Rodd finally let his paid NYT crossword subscription lapse. Got tired of all the clues being so obviously biased around “old cis het white guy in NYC”.
Heute Nacht! Die erste meetup der neuen AWS Niederbayern Gruppe. Mein Kollege @dtraub spricht…
Wow, @dtraub is getting very fancy with the green screen tonight!
@Kilo_Loco Avoiding that is my #1 tip I always mention in serverless talks!