Shared today on Twitter

RT @hannahyanfield: Poking the Twittersphere – if you’re interested in joining @Folklorevc as a Financial Controller, look no further! http…

🇩🇪 German word of the day: BANAUSEN.

It means “peasants” or “Philistines.”

Can you guess what kind of day I’m having? 😂

RT @fra_aws: Interessantes zu #AWS Glue, Athena, StepFunctions und Kinesis Firehose ?
⏰ Nicht vergessen, morgen ist wieder unser deutschspr…

So cool – @hellomichibye from @cloudonaut_io is giving his talk on “When event-driven systems meet CSV reports” at @BerlinAWSUG tonight, and auf Deutsch at @fra_aws tomorrow! Tempted to watch both versions to see if it improves my German… 🙂