Freshly baked apricot crisp for breakfast al fresco… on a Tuesday?! 😍🍑 @ Theresienhöhe
@DgtlNmd It’s Berlitz Level A2.3, but the teacher is slipping in some refresher material for things we’ve told her we need to review. (I was pretty conversational 25 years ago, but a lot of the grammar is very rusty now!)
@mirabeladd Thanks for the recommendation! I’m doing a Berlitz course through work, but will definitely keep it in mind for after. 🙂
@FrankPrechtel @dnsmichi OOHHH, truth be told Würste > Kekse in my house, so I am looking forward to that Frank!!
We had a team caricaturing lesson. I am… not good at this. #growthmindset 🎨🤪 @ Theresienhöhe
Me, riding through the Munich city center tonight: “Why are there so many police cars around?!” Oh. Apparently France are playing Germany tonight. 😂⚽️ #Euro2020 🇩🇪 GO DEUTSCHLAND!
@dnsmichi Awww, böse Michi! 😂
@dnsmichi We didn’t watch either. Only realised tonight that we’ve never actually tuned the TV to local channels! 😂