@minxdragon Haha, of course! I was doing a rewatch while crocheting. 😂
@johnallsopp I got some Minnesota buddies in @lynnlangit and @jennapederson! Need something in particular?
@mmastertheone I hadn’t! I knew he was a knitter, but that’s amazing. ❤️ SO CUTE!
RT @lucyj_ford: i am so warmed by tom daley knitting himself a little pouch for his olympic medal https://t.co/OojA330YHk
@lynnlangit You and Rodd have the same birthday. ❤️ Many happy returns, friend!
RT @HenningBrauer: Don’t mix this up https://t.co/o4U8E9JUBP
RT @annie_parker: We are all Beverly Crusher https://t.co/pwWQtgCC5Z
Happy birthday to this absolute SNACK, my best friend, and the most interesting person I know. ❤️ @ Restaurant Showroom https://t.co/603HD7gAOj
Four hours later… after 7 courses, 7 wines, 3 amuse-bouche, and one G&T… (still one dessert to go). 😵💫 @ Restaurant Showroom https://t.co/uU2NCQ1pVX