Shared today on Twitter

True story – I saw @soganmageshwar present on building Alexa Skills well before I joined the team at AWS, and he turned me from a skeptic about voice UIs into someone that has now built several voice apps. If you want to learn more about it, you should join this free workshop!

RT @alex_casalboni: As a developer 👨‍💻👩‍💻 what’s your main pain point when building/running apps on AWS? My DMs are open 💬

@seemewiddemHANS Not all of us! 🥇(County Spelling Bee champion right here!)

RT @richdevelops: Get your applications in people.

Becoming a community member is a great way meet other people passionate about AWS. http…

@stringy @saltychemicals Awww, thanks Julie. If it helps, I can also recommend the amazing folks at @indigitek. I’ve been fortunate to attend some of their events (back in the pre-Covid days) and always came away feeling inspired.

Homemade bulgogi with kimchi and beer. 😍🍚 @ Munich, Germany