@julielerman Film and Theater BA 🙌
Stanford graduate student combines passions for quilting and coding to create app to help quilters https://t.co/DI0ZIbwrvV – Hypergraphs + math + paper piecing for quilts? 😍 I love that this is being presented at @siggraph! (Thanks @daveathomas for the link!)
Today I discovered the @ListenToSassy podcast (https://t.co/vNlcTYoHY6) which is so completely my jam I time traveled back to the early 90’s. (Yes, that’s me on a fake Sassy cover I got at a theme park because I was JUST THAT COOL.) 😎 https://t.co/X5yar5uOqU
@emd3737 @ListenToSassy Six months ago we were talking about what we’d buy if we were millionaires, and I swear my answer was “complete back issues of Sassy.” (I’m on Ep2 already and CRACKING UP.)
@emd3737 @ListenToSassy @dunneteach Same, I think my Mom threw mine out whenI went to college along with my prized tie-dyed t-shirt with the hand painted “woman” symbol I got from a hippie advertising in the Sassy back classifieds. 😂
@TaraAriano @emd3737 @dunneteach Tara. This is relevant to my interests. 😳
@TaraAriano @emd3737 Five euros is a small price to pay for recapturing one’s wayward youth. Done! Looking forward to more episodes…
@mmastertheone Oh nice!
@pamelaribon @ListenToSassy I *think* it’s from our 8th grade marching band trip to Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio, circa 1991-ish. I thought I was the absolute *shit*, you know? 😂❤️
@pamelaribon @ListenToSassy Nooo no. Sadly no. That would have required a level of self-confidence that even a tie-dyed tank and John Lennon sunglasses couldn’t give that little Midwestern wallflower. 😂