Shared today on Twitter

RT @rjourdan_net: On Wednesday 9/22 at 6pm CET/12pm EST/9pm PST, we will host a panel discussion about the role of Developer Advocates at @…

@dtraub @codebeast @ASpittel @mavi888uy Proposal to add a new question to the agenda for tonight: “What does Dennis do all day? Everyone speculate.” 😜

Went for a bike ride today and discovered a group of Müncheners on the Wiese celebrating their own unofficial Oktoberfest, complete with lederhosen, oompah music, and beer. They tried to get me to join them! 😂❤️🍻

In about 10 minutes I’ll be live with @codebeast, @ASpittel, @mavi888uy, and @rjourdan_net talking about what exactly Developer Advocates do at AWS. Please join us!

Wow, yeah, so I found out about this when a couple journalists immediately reached out to @RoaldDahlFans for comment. 😳 Cool teaser though!!

@thebeebs I told the journos that I don’t really have anything to say. Probably better to get some engaged 12yo fan than a busy grown-up. 😂

“Nah, I wouldn’t say I’m homesick for Australia. I’m fine. What’s that? Paul Kelly has a new song on Spotify?”

*4 minutes later, weeping*

“Straya, mate. Straya.” 😭🇦🇺🦘❤️

Um, @GaelFC tried Brach’s Turkey Dinner candy corn, and if anybody wants to send me some in Germany, I will 100% eat it. (And I *hate* normal candy corn.) 🦃

RT @JohnBirmingham: When aliens invade in the movies its always New York or LA. But when its for real (probs this Friday) its gonna be Melb…