@yow_conf Don’t hold your breath. 😂
RT @mekkaokereke: 💯
If you believe that soft skills are natural, intuitive, not quantifiable, and purely subjective, then you let yourself…
RT @SydTechLeaders: Did you see that we’re having another meetup next Thursday, October 21? Join us for a virtual beer, slice of Hawaiian p…
RT @mavi888uy: Join me at the AWS Dev Day for Modern Application Development on Oct 20h. I will show you how to do build a web app with geo…
@hexsteph My partner vacillates between “plastic milk crate with a giant tangle of a million cables chucked in there,” and occasional bouts of energy where he separates some out, winds them into coils, and stuffs them into toilet paper tubes for safekeeping.
@dtraub @linda_mhmd @andreas_ruetten I AM!! https://t.co/6auByXCz4S
THEY’RE SO CUTE! And the raspberry dress ring/circuit mechanism was super clever. #bakingimpossible https://t.co/Lu9seCTh6N
RT @DemsAbroadES: US Taxation is a problem for every single American living abroad.
Join Democrats Abroad Toulouse as they host Carmelan…
RT @madscienceskill: Mae Jemison was the first person to both go to space and be on #StarTrek send tweet. https://t.co/015kbvIxwK