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Guess who is about to give her first in-person presentation since Covid?!

RT @tprstly: J.R.R. Token

@thebeebs Phew! I’ll be coasting on that adrenaline for the next day or two. 😅

Phew, thanks for the well-wishes! That went really well. Only 20 people due to facilities limits, but wow, I’m still high on the adrenaline. 😅

@JessPWhite Thank you! One of the advantages of living in a place with proper autumn and winter is actually getting to wear the things I knit. 😂

The Föhn is on! It’s a warm, dry wind from the mountains and it’s resulted in a warm, sunny Autumn day. We’re taking advantage by having lunch on the garden while we can… ❤️🍂🍁 @ Theresienhöhe

The German AWS Community Game Day is happening, and I have to say, the commentary team are all looking ADORABLE! ❤️🦄 @AWSCommunityDE @dtraub @linda_mhmd @andreas_ruetten

@Joanwestenberg Thank you. I am trying to capture the good moments, because I’m sure we will be having a spell of grey, rainy, cold weather soon and I will be missing Australia something fierce. ❤️

@vuyo_mhlotshane I DMed you! 🙂

Herzlichen Glüchwünsch to the winning team from @MOIAmobility for the first ever AWS DACH Community Game Day! They scored more than 200K points, a massive victory! 😳🦄 @AWSCommunityDE

And also a massive thank you to the wonderful support team who helped out behind the scenes making sure the whole Game Day ran smoothly. Well done to all of you! It wouldn’t have happened without your amazing efforts. 👏 @AWSCommunityDE

@brittanieshey I’ll admit to a fondness for vinyl diner booths, but I’m with you 100% on all the rest.

Trying to convince the Snook that we should go to the Bavarian Film Studios’ Halloween exhibit, which is delightfully called “Spooky Tour.” SPOOKY TOUR. How cute is that?! 🎃🦇🧛‍♂️🧟‍♂️

@DivineOps Winning on all counts!