Shared today on Twitter

@hannahcancode Somehow the Snook and I have ended up with like six lists across both Shopping and Keep. 🤷‍♀️

RT @t1agoB: Next week I will be at #websummit2021 🎉
It’s been a while since I last joined and my first time representing AWS.

Drop by the…

RT @Vel12171: Starting a new journey is scary yet very exciting. I absolutely love speaking to those who are starting new journeys on AWS -…

@dtraub But are you going to wear the 🦄 again???

RT @dtraub: It’s GameDay again! I’ll be there, will you? 😀

RT @briancgrubb: i guess my biggest issue with Dune is that every time i see Jason Momoa i think “hey that guy is married to Lisa Bonet” an…

RT @charlesv: A while ago I went looking for a sardine advent calendar and couldn’t find one. So, I made it:

I present to you the 2021 Sar…