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@darkosubotica I’m not clicking Like on that, but I’m glad it wasn’t worse for you. ❤️

We all know the Internet is a series of curly-wurly tubes, right? (As soon as I saw that slide at #herHACK, I knew I was going to have to go down it!) 😂

@busbub @multi_shine I think of Ben Wyatt every time Spotify plays Letters to Cleo. 😂 A 90’s party at a roller rink would be my DREAM BIRTHDAY.

Lunch aboard the SBB @_DiningCar for EC193 from Zürich to Munich. Rindsgehacktes und Hörnli – a sort of Swiss Mac & cheese with minced beef, roast onions, and applesauce. I was delighted I could pay with my Swiss francs; everywhere else is contactless!

@lynnlangit @_DiningCar Yes. Feeling distinctly sleepy after that meal! 😴

@alnothur @_DiningCar Uh, it has both macaroni and cheese?

As a Sydneysider, the Swiss train announcer apologising profusely for a 4 minute delay is truly 🤯

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RT @simplificator: Over the weekend 3 of our colleagues took part in #herHACK Switzerland’s largest female hackathon with over 200 partici…

@dylanbeattie @GOTOcph Noooooo! That sucks. Get better soon. 🙁

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