Shared today on Twitter

Korean food (and Frosé!) with my BFF courtesy of @ChefRoyChoi! 감사합니다 ❤️

All miked up and ready for the first session of @AWSonAir today! Join me and some of the guys from @aerospikedb talking about their “wicked fast database” very shortly…

I’m back at the Developer Lounge and enjoying meeting up with folks! Had a lovely chat with Twitter buddy @PilotSchenck. Come by and say hi! #awsreinvent

Guten Tag and G’DAY! I finally got to meet @aaronwalker, fellow Aussie-in-Deutschland and organiser of the @BerlinAWSUG. #awsreinvent 🇦🇺🇩🇪

At the AWS User Group leaders workshop learning from folks that run meetups around the world. First up is @aaronwalker from @BerlinAWSUG talking about the challenge of moving back to in-person events. #awsreinvent

Next up is @Ana_La_Rana from @awswomencol talking about how her group is training and supporting women in LATAM to get up-to-speed on the cloud and AWS. They were able to partner with local companies to provide bootcamps for members! #awsreinvent

Another amazing woman from LATAM – Isa from AWS Girls Chile challenging everyone in the room on what they are doing to support and empower women in their communities. ❤️ #awsreinvent

Next up is @paradesi from AWS ML Community NYC talking about strategies for growing a niche meetup globally. Protip: use multiple channels for finding potential speakers! #awsreinvent

LOL. “Hi, I’m Brian Tarbox. Would you like to speak at my meetup?” Many chuckles as Brian from @BostonAws introduces himself. (I’ve seen him at German meetups!) Brian proudly shared that 58% of the AWS Boston speakers “don’t look like me.” 👏 #awsreinvent

@BostonAws Wonderful offer from Brian to help out smaller groups, especially those from underrepresented groups, to help find speakers! Reach out to him on LinkedIn. ❤️