RT @AWSCloudANZ: With so many food & drink options during the holidays, how do you know what to pick? Kris Howard (@web_goddess) built a wo…
A very fun little video I made in my backyard in Munich! Missing all of you back in Oz this Christmas… 🇦🇺🦘❤️🍻 https://t.co/khc3DDmwuG
@net_hues @scottpape Thank you for sharing that! I hadn’t seen, but I agree with him 100%. It’s a gold rush and a scam at this point.
@snaxolotl Love. It. 👍
@pgarbe If you look closely at the demo, it uses Las Vegas craft beers! I hand-scraped that data myself. 😂 That’s why I was drinking Firestone at the Hero party – I recognised it from the app!
RT @dtraub: Im re:Invent Community Special des AWS Podcast habe ich das Vergnügen mit @linda_mhmd, @Osterjour, @hoegertn und meiner Lieblin…