I bought my first loom! This is used for mending holes in woven and knitted garments. Very useful… but what is that extra piece on the right, with the sort of latch hook on it? I cannot find any explanation how that is used. Anybody know? 🧶🧦 https://t.co/lo24uVqC99
@LiaSae @Xavier_Ho That was my guess too. What’s weird is that they give you a long darning needle in the package (It’s stuck into the foam) so I have no idea why this extra bit.
@TheRealBnut Those are the instructions I have, and I’ve watched several videos. None of them actually explain what the “loom pick tool” is actually for though!
@gilmae Watch it.
RT @jeffbarr: Wow — this is a must-read if you use containers (ECS, EKS, Fargate, or AppRunner) or Lambda functions. Vlad launched 300K co…