Shared today on Twitter

@diversionary They’re the Dresdens, too. When he sent me the photo while he was still deliberating, I was like, no, it’s fine. But then all last night it kept FREAKING ME OUT. šŸ˜‚

Software isnā€™t milk, @EmadAshi says. You donā€™t have to release it every day. Yes, fast feedback cycles are good, but you arenā€™t failing if you arenā€™t there yet! Pragmatic advice. #NDCMelbourne

URLs should be forever, @soyarsauce says. Heartily agree. 301 redirect your moved URLs, people! šŸ’Ž #NDCMelbourne

Great audience for @deekobā€™s session on design patterns resilience (and his bad jokes šŸ˜‚) at #NDCMelbourne ! šŸ‘

@Amys_Kapers @philnash @twilio I WANT A SCRUNCHIE, PHIL!

RT @Amys_Kapers: So excited to have @web_goddess back in the country for #NDCMelbourne, talking about her career

@Malarkey Not a chap, but I wear this one:

If you’d like to hear more about @HeartOfPluto_’s amazing hacked knitting machine, she gave a talk about it at the 2018 @linuxconfau Art + Tech miniconf! You can watch here: