Today I added a Blog Roll to the site, down there in the right-hand column. It’s been a long time since I had one of those! I’ve started with just a baker’s dozen of links for the sites whose posts I always read first when they appear in my RSS reader. I actually subscribe to a lot more than that, including a bunch that I just discovered via Wölfblag and Sky Hulk’s blog rolls. I’m sure some of those will make it onto the list in the coming months.
Relatedly, I moved from Feedly to NetNewsWire earlier this year on both my Mac and my iPhone. Feedly was increasingly feeling like LinkedIn, and I resented that they kept trying to cram AI into an RSS Reader. It was very easy to click on the wrong link and end up on a Company Profile Market Intelligence page, which annoyed me. No, thank you! NetNewsWire is just what I need, and it was super easy to export and import all my subscriptions over to it.
That reminds me – as part of this Blog Renaissance™️ – I’ve noticed a lot of sites don’t have RSS feeds. People… don’t you want us to read your stuff? You have to have an RSS feed. It’s table stakes.