Oscar Contest Update

Oscar Contest Update: Wow, the entries have really been pouring in these last few days. If you haven’t entered yet, you’re really cutting it close! Go on, make your picks. During the actual show, I’ll be following along on the Internet and updating the winners. You’ll be able to see a live tallyboard here that shows everyone’s scores. (Man, I’m really counting on Supporting Actor, Foreign Film, and Song to break up all the ties!) As with the past few years, I’ll need some of you TiVo viewers to volunteer to count the dead people for me in the annual obituary montage. Pretty please?

Oh, and as for enforcing the rules, I just went through and discovered about a dozen people had entered more than once. A few were obviously just due to hitting the submit button twice, but there were several where the person had revised their entry a few weeks afterwards. I figured since the rules clearly state you only get one shot, I was justified in deleting their later entry. (Just in case you were wondering why you might not do as well as you’re expecting, cheaters!)

One thought on “Oscar Contest Update”

  1. I sincerely hope that there is a booby prize for this. I will be very unhappy if the last horse past the post doesn’t get it’s money back.

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