As today is one of my “hard” days – the Dove has me cycling my workouts between easy, medium, and hard – I told the Snook to put on his walkin’ shoes. We headed out towards Centennial Park. The sun was coming out and people were already turning up for the Mardi Gras after-party at Fox Studios. We made it to the Park in 45 minutes flat. Then I planted him on a bench with a Baker’s Delight Cheesymite Scroll and The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen while I hit the jogging track. I noticed that I was definitely fresher and faster today, and I finished the 3.7km loop in just over 24 minutes (cutting two minutes off my usual time). After a quick stop for a sip of water, I started slogging my way through a second lap. I was definitely slower here, but I wasn’t hurting and I actually felt like I could run a fair way. I jogged about half of it and then decided I might as well do some Fartlek. Repeatedly I picked out a spot way ahead of me and then sprinted as fast as I could til I reached it. Then I’d walk and wheeze and puff like a freight train, scaring all the adorable children out on their training wheel bikes. It felt really good though. I finished the second lap in 26 minutes, which put me on pace for finishing the 10K in 67 minutes. Not bad! Ideally I’d like to do it in sixty minutes when I run it in a few months. Do you guys think that’s doable? I feel like it’s totally reachable. I am encouraged. Afterwards we walked home again, which means that I earned – no joke – like 11 extra Bonus Points today. (I really, really want to get down to 80kg this week!)
5 responses to “Trail Note – 7.4km”
I think doing a 10K in an hour (or less!) is totally within your reach, Kris. Almost every runner I know talks about the extra boost you get in a real race, from adrenaline, competition, and so on.
Also, how much do you love the fartlek thing? I used to run with a friend and we would do “surprise fartlek” sessions–taking turns yelling out, after which you had to sprint for 30 seconds or so. It was fun, but also a killer because you never knew when the other guy was going to make you do it. It puts treadmill intervals to shame.
Sure. Not only do you get that extra adrenaline in a race, but you usually run a race on fresh, well-rested, and carbo-loaded legs, not something one normally has on training runs. And you still have a while to get faster.
There’s also some rule of thumb about how much faster you get just by losing weight. I can’t remember the general rule except that you’re supposed to get a minute faster marathon time for every pound you lose.
Here’s an interesting article/chart I found last year that I found very helpful. My best 5K, 10K, half-marathon, and marathon times all line up consistently with a “VDOT” number, so it passes my sanity test. (I don’t run quite as slow as the “easy pace” listed on the chart, however, even on long slow runs).
And great job on your workout, yesterday!
That’s a cool chart, Tricia–I’ve wondered how my 5K times would translate to ideal running paces AND longer races. And like you, I agree that the “slow run” pace seems a little low for me.
Oh, I love cheesynite scrolls. One of the things I miss most about Oz (I am living in the UK). Have just started reading your blog, and am really enjoying it, and all the Sydney references.