
Me: Noooo! Phil from The Amazing Race was in Sydney today signing books and I missed it!
Snook: He wrote a book?
Me: Yeah. It looks like some kind of self-help thing.
Snook: Skivvies for Fun and Profit?

Note to Americans: Down here “skivvies” refer to turtlenecks, not underpants. That confused me for a long time.

2 thoughts on “Phil!”

  1. My favourite bit on the Amazing Race is when there’s a bit of uncertainty about which team will finish last, the camera work is showing *someone* approaching the finish line, and Phil’s there, helpfully pointing out to the country rep “Hey look, there they are!” That pointing thing he does – awesome.

    And the whole tricking people into thinking they’ve done really badly, only to change his whole facial expression at the last minutes – “Hey, I fooled ya!” Gold. I never tire of it, even when he does it six times an episode, 12 episodes a series.

  2. He’s kinda cute in the flesh, and he was sitting behind a desk so you know, the whole ‘pear shaped’ thing was less of an issue. I was bummed when I got back to the office that I didn’t just say ‘to hell with punctuality’ and queue to get a book signed. Regrets, I have a few. But then again…

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