Mother’s Day Classic

All this training finally has a point… I’ve officially registered to run the Mother’s Day Classic in five weeks. I’ve opted for the 8K run, and what’s more – Snookums is going to run it with me! I have no idea what kind of time we’ll do together, but I’m just so stoked to be doing something like this with him. I know we can do it. The event is to raise money for breast cancer research, so if you’d like to help out you’re more than welcome to sponsor us. (We don’t have to raise any set amount so I’m not going to give you the hard sell. Just let me know if you’re interested.) The course is actually the same one I ran as a 5K a few years ago, down through the Domain and around Mrs. Macquarie’s Chair. Anyone have any preparation tips for us?


One response to “Mother’s Day Classic”

  1. Belated congrats on signing up for the race! How fun that you two will be running it together!