I think I found the Snook’s next birthday present.
GAH. Spent half my lunch break buying a new towel since I forgot mine for boxing tonight – only to discover I forgot my sports bra. Bugger.
Just completed a 2.55 km run with @runkeeper, check it out http://bit.ly/1adsJF #runkeeper
compromised by walking home from work instead & lugging 5 lbs of cat litter. I’ll do boxing tomorrow night.
is scrounging every available Tupperware in the house to hold the, like, leftover 50 liters of CHOWDAH the Snook made for dinner tonight.
is about to start her workout plan for 10K World Domination. (Cue that song from “Bring It On,” the one from the jazz fingers routine.)
Just completed a 3.37 km run with @runkeeper, check it out http://bit.ly/ORIqH #runkeeper