took the “How Asian Are You?” quiz. Huh. I’m a “Twinky.”
is waiting for an SMS from my mother-in-law, who’s coming into the city for lunch. She’s bringing me a pudding basin for my birthday!
feels like the only USian on the Internet who hasn’t filled out a bracket or watched a game. I couldn’t even name a team in the tournament!
TrumpetHero. ZOMG. That should be a real accessory. And people should be watching YouTube videos of me tearing it up on Expert level RIGHT NOW.
suddenly discovered the reason for my bad week: a shocking lack of BEER. Luckily it’s Friday, and I aim to rectify the situation.
woke up with suspicious headache. Oh great. Cold sore forming. WHY? Now going to feel like a scabrous leper all week. Off to get Zovirax.