
I’m back on track! What a difference a week makes. Last week I was tired and depressed; this week I’m 1.2kg lighter and a hundred times more optimistic. That brings me back down to 78.5kg, erasing two-thirds of what I gained over the Easter/Garberick holiday. Sweet. And I actually did it without much exercise! I’m still trying to rest the hamstring as much as possible before this Sunday’s run, so I’ve really only had a couple short jogs and that long walk last weekend. Really, it was just watching my food and religiously tracking my Points. I also have to constantly remind myself that it’s OKAY to be a little bit hungry. I don’t have to stuff myself every time I eat. Now I only have 3.5kg left to go!

And on a related note, my size 14 pants have been feeling a little loose. I wasn’t sure if it was due to weight loss though, or them just naturally loosening up from being worn. So I went into Esprit the other night to try on some new ones. Every size 14 I tried on was pretty roomy! I even tried on some 12s and, while I did get them zipped and buttoned, they were a little too, uh, bootylicious for my liking. But I have a feeling that 12 is where I’m eventually going to end up. That’s an unexpected bonus!


One response to “DietBlog”

  1. USA to you keeping up with these postings. I have fallen off the wagon of exercise mostly due to schedule, but I’ve made it my goal just to hold within three pounds of where i’m at… so, that’s helping and has been okay so far.

    You’re inspiring, Kris!