Hydrating and trying to stay calm and not freak out over the fact that I am RUNNING A MARATHON TOMORROW. As a training run. *Gulp.*
Best of luck to everybody running in the SMH Half tomorrow! Wish I could be there with you. Instead I’ll be running my own race: a 42.2K marathon training run around Iron Cove and Centennial Park. I’m scared, but I know that I can do it – and so can you! May all of us have good, safe runs and come back to DM with great stories to tell…
Up at 5:20am. Dressed, now having breakfast. And then I’m running a marathon. Still freaking out. About 4 hrs sleep. Pure adrenaline.
Back at the house, slightly more than halfway around. Refuelled and ready to go. Feet hurt, but I CAN DO IT. Less than 20km to go.