#46 on RS’s list of “Women Who Rock”. Actually the album is meant to be “Hot, Cool and Vicious” but Spotify doesn’t have it available. Instead I listened to this, which appears to be a Greatest Hits compilation. I wasn’t a huge hip-hop fan in high school, but I did like SNP. (I remember vastly preferring them to the annoying TLC, who many girls in my class liked.) I had the CD singles for “Shoop” and “Whatta Man” pretty much memorised. I liked their sense of humour and their politics. “Let’s Talk About Sex” is just such a perfect bit of early 90’s music and activism, isn’t it?
#45 on RS’s list of “Women Who Rock.” While I’m sure there are those rolling their eyes, I really like Taylor Swift. She’s a pretty, pretty princess, she plays the guitar, and she writes catchy songs about liking boys. There’s nothing wrong with that!
#44 on RS’s list of “Women Who Rock.” I don’t think I had ever heard any of these songs before. It’s not really my thing, but I like the rhythms. The “Christine” song freaked me out when I heard my own name being repeated.
Butternut Squash Soup with Star Anise and Ginger Prawns.