They’re building a truck stop that looks like a castle. I think it’s awesome.
We buried my granddad yesterday, and tonight commemorated the anniversary of my step-brother’s death. I’m glad I’m here for it, but I also really wish I was home.
Me and my Dad at breakfast this morning.
Amy, Dad, Cindy, and Cali… (@howdyamy @hydrates)
That special moment when Grandpa gave Cali her first “Wet Willy.” (@hydrates @howdyamy)
Mom cleaned out her photo albums, and look what I found! Germany, summer of 94, with Christina Nagel… (I LOVED that hat.)
Another photo from Germany, summer of ’94, this time with Leeanne Forbes Foster in Düsseldorf! (Still wearing that hat…)
Another favourite from the cheap seats at Wrigley.
Boat ride with Grandma and Grandpa Harter today.