“Notre Dame Steamrolls Penn State.” Now that’s that kind of headline you like to see in the morning! I’d actually received an invitation to watch the game live from Sebastian, an Aussie guy who went to grad school at ND. A bunch of us went to his place in North Sydney for the home opener last week (among them Kriegel and J.R.), which we watched via some complicated Internet connection he had set up with his friends in the States. The quality was crappy but the novelty of watching the Irish play from Australia (something I haven’t managed in five years) was great. Of course, that was a night game and this one wasn’t… and I couldn’t muster the energy to drag myself out of bed at 4 in the morning in the middle of a freezing downpour. They seem to have done all right without me though!
September 12, 2006 — 3:11 am
i was AT the game, thanks to some free tix from kirkner (poppy) our old habitat prof and my academic advisor. it was SWEET!!