Team @canva selfie at the Women@Google Inspire event this morning!
Time for pizza, beer, and hardware hacking with @WWCSyd! #arduino
SOS! (I made the blinkenlights turn on!!) #arduino @WWCSyd
The only consolation to not visiting Gumption multiple times a week in the CBD anymore is the fact that my new coworkers at Canva walk over to Sample Coffee every single day. (I had the cold brew/almond milk latte last week. It was delicious. Hat tip to James for that one…)
If you were intrigued by our photos from The Bruny Island Long Weekend last November, you can book in yourself right now for a discount!
Final project of the night: TRAFFIC LIGHTS! (Lights on left are for cars; lights on right for pedestrians.) #arduino @WWCSyd
For those interested in what those wires and blinkenlights were that I was mucking about with tonight, it was an Arduino workshop held through Women Who Code Sydney. I was using this kit:
It’s been a loooong time since I studied electrical circuits in high school physics class, so I spent the first hour flailing about. Eventually it clicked though and I started to grok the connection between the code in the IDE and the circuit in front of me. Three lessons down, another dozen to go!