Idol Roundup

Idol Roundup: I have to say, the thrill of the show has really gone for me now that Bobby is out. There’s just very little chance of being surprised anymore. The Final Four show was a classic example of this. Jess trilled like Mariah and made it look easy; Chris rocked out and had a good time; Dean warbled some “alternative” tween songs; and Damien falsettoed his way through a ballad. I’m really not fussed about any of them. I agree that the contest is Damien’s to lose at this point, but does anybody think he’d become a superstar? (Other than TallulahBelle, that is, who could clearly push his first album to #1 all on her own.) I’m still rooting for Jess, just because I identify most with her. But really, I’m not bothered much anymore…


One response to “Idol Roundup”

  1. Have to agree with you again on Idol – Damian is too good to win, Jess is perfect Idol material – if she’d just stop singing Mariah Carey and RnB songs…