
Heh. Go look up your name on Babynamer and click the “drawbacks” link (if you get one). Mine are pretty funny. For the record, I’ve never gotten “Kiss-stine,” “Kris-stink,” or “Kristeeny the Meany.” I have been known to bristle at “Krissy” though. And there was that kid in the second grade who made me cry in gym class when he kept calling me “Krispy Wheats ‘n’ Raisins.” Go to hell, Donny Miller! (Link courtesy of PCJM.)

Updated to say: Allow me to introduce my husband, “Hot Rod”. HA!


4 responses to “Babynamer”

  1. Jason Wason

    Racin’ Jason, Space Case Jase (they must have consulted my boss), Jaybird (my mom used to call me this, still does on occasion), Jasooooone (my ex-fiance used to call me this, so much so that her mom did too). Good stuff!

  2. Damn it. My name is actually in there (which is rare enough), but apparnetly I don’t have any drawbacks. Having been called things like Nipples, I know that’s not true.

    My husband however, will know be known as The Red Baron. Bestest play on a name, ever.

  3. It has totally never occurred to me that “Kevin” could be condensed to Vinnie.

  4. Max

    The best one for mine is also true–I totally got labeled as “maxi-pad” in elementary school. At the time I hated it, but I look back now and think it’s pretty hilarious (especially since none of us had any real idea of what one was).