8 thoughts on “T-Shirt Folding”

  1. Hehe i saw that done a few months on a tv show and it did look fancy. Going to learn it myself 🙂

    Also i started up my new crafty outlet last weekend. I’m doing origami so don’t let me fold up your laundry. You might go reaching for your blouse only to find it’s been folded into a roo.

  2. Sandra and I are in awe – we have lived for a total of more than 100 years and there’s still something to learn! This is so neat!

  3. It really does work–there was some clip from a Japanese (?) TV show going around a while back of a woman doing in at breakneck speed. It was so amazing I told my students about it and we folded all of the newly-arrived Homecoming t-shirts that way!

    Of course, being a lazy American, I am sticking with my beloved Flip-Fold.

  4. Wow. I was just inspired to try it on a box of drab-colored t-shirts I ordered (I’m so predictable), and it works like a charm!

    (I usually like my shirts in thirds, lenghtwise, but can’t have everything 🙂 )

  5. ok i am a dag- after watching this early this morning I attacked all of my tshirts – what can i do next…….knit some lace perhaps

  6. we sell it at work. 🙂 that’s an older design, but we still have some stock left — i like it a lot. it’s beautiful quality as well, just in case you were wondering…

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