Hats from the FUTURE!

Dude, check out these hats from the FUTURE! They look like normal winter caps, but according to the manufacturer, they’re actually made from some space-age stuff that hardens the exact second something hits your head (like the ground), thus absorbing the force like a helmet. And then they go soft again. Does anybody else find this mind-blowingly weird?

More from the Snook: “It’s totally for real. It’s like silly putty — how you can pull slowly and it stretches, but pull it quickly and it snaps. Honey does something like that too. If you stir a pot of honey slowly, it’s just thick and gooey, but if you try to yank the spoon really hard it will freeze up tight. Basically wearing one of these would be like having silly putty all over your head (but hopefully more comfortable).”

I love that he’s so smart.