The Design Disease

The Design Disease. While I am by no means a graphic designer AT ALL, I do think I exhibit some of the symptoms of this malady. Bad kerning, fonts, and colours definitely bother me. I have been known to rant about really bad logos (like the new one for Freedom). I definitely pick wine based on the labels, and I’m drawn to books with eye-catching covers. I wouldn’t say I actively collect good design (yet) though…


3 responses to “The Design Disease”

  1. Of all the things that will drive me batshit, bad kerning is well and truly a top contender.

  2. Amy

    I’m with ya on the kerning. Shits me to tears!

  3. Never a truer word spoken! I dunno about kerning.. but I drove past the freedom at bankstown a few months ago & wondered why they’d changed to such a bad freakin logo!