Us on YouTube

For anyone who missed us on the Internet this morning – like, oh, my MOM and my SISTER and my COUSIN and probably the whole rest of my family, not that I’m bitter, except that them seeing it was the WHOLE REASON for getting up at the BUTT CRACK OF DAWN anyway, GAH! – Amy took a little movie of us in the booth and put it on YouTube. I’m on the phone with my American stalker, who is desperately trying to buy the scarf I was knitting on Wednesday. (You’ll note that I’m sporting the excellent “I blogged your Mom” shirt that Bex got me, while she herself is wearing an awesome “I learned to knit in prison” shirt.)


3 responses to “Us on YouTube”

  1. yazzy

    That was excellent!

  2. Amy’s Mom

    I know I don’t live in Indiana, but I’m just one state away and I SAW YOU KRIS. And I will be seeing you in person very soon.

  3. Amy

    I do want both of those t-shirts you guys were wearing. cool stuff