Citibank Spammers

Citibank = Spammers
How annoying is this? I was just out in the knitting shop helping a customer, when this young guy and chick walk in. They’re wearing matching Citibank lanyards so I figure they’ve come over from a meeting or something.

Me: What can I help you with?
Guy: We’re just going around to all the businesses in the area let you know about our great low interest rates–
Me: I’m sorry, what?
Guy: We got a great new low interest rate going.
Me: *blank stare* For what, loans?
Guy: Yes.
Me: You’re in here… during the work day… offering me a loan?
Guy: We’re just going to everyone on this street–
Me: I’m sorry; we’re working in a knitting shop. We’re not interested in loans.
Guy: But–
Me: And I personally make it a policy not to respond to unsolicited commercial… SPAM.
Chick: What part of America are you from? *smarmy grin*
Me: Uh, Indiana.
Chick: Do they have a lot of marketing over there?
Me: I wouldn’t know. I’ve been here for five years.
Guy: When is the business owner available?
Me: He’s upstairs right now. SERVING CUSTOMERS.
Guy: We’ll come back later.
Me: You can try your luck, but I doubt it’ll work…

Spam. People spam. How is this different from cold calling? It’s even more confrontational since it’s IN MY FACE. (And of course, there’s no National “Do Not Pester Me in Person” Registry.) It’s annoying enough to get off the bus at Town Hall and have to run the gauntlet of chuggers and beggars; I don’t need marketroids following me into the workplace. And what’s up with asking where I come from? It’s like she was suggesting that only Americans would find their tactics objectionable. WHATEVER. I should send in a complaint.


3 responses to “Citibank Spammers”

  1. Spam is better (I can’t believe I just wrote that) because at least you can delete it or leave it in your spam filter until it dies. Heh – I just went to submit my comment and saw your ‘spam prevention’ question. Really can’t get away from it can we? Sort of like the obnoxious marketing in the movie ‘Minority Report’…

  2. Bex

    Totally complain! How else are they gonna stop the horror??

    (hehe you need a swipe card to get into my work thank god!)

  3. They came into shop in Newtown, and the fact that we were closing down meant nothing to them, and they proceeded to offer me personal loans and debt consolidation!!
    So rude!!!