The Snook and I spent a couple hours this afternoon starting to implement the Getting Things Done system, and we thought we’d reward ourselves by going out to dinner. But where to go? We were feeling like Mexican, but our previous experiences in Sydney haven’t been great. Suddenly, I remembered something. “Hey, you know that random cafe ‘Chocolate Dog’ down King Street in Newtown? I saw on Grab Your Fork that they turn Mexican at night.” Isn’t that the wackiest idea? (It reminds me of “Swallows” from Arrested Development.) So we headed down there. Interestingly, the place was PACKED. On a Sunday night! There were even tables reserved. I was amused to see the sombreros dangling from the doorway (put up every night?), and our server greeted us with a hearty “Buenos noches!” We shared the ceviche appetizer, which was chunks of raw barramundi marinated in lime juice, onion, salsa, and (loads of) coriander. It was great. Seriously, put enough coriander in it and I’ll eat anything. (I’m sure my sister just threw up in her mouth a little bit there. Americans get so weird about cilantro.) Then the Snook had the beef enchilada, while I had the mole poblano: chicken breast with a thick, curry-like sauce made from Mexican chocolate and chilies. Everything was fantastic. It was without a doubt the most authentic Mexican food I’ve had in this entire hemisphere.