Not to toot my own horn, but the people of this town really ought to give me a big thank you today. I successfully fended off a supplier who was giving me the hard sell on “a system for applying rhinestones to garments.” Yes, he wanted us to sell BEDAZZLERS. And I told him that I really couldn’t be a party to the fashion crimes that would ensue.
6 responses to “YOU’RE WELCOME”
But think of all of the great costume potential for 80s theme parties!
Thank you, thank you, thank you. Ever since I’ve moved to the country, everything in the women’s stores has bling on it. I am now shopping exclusively for men’s clothes.
Disco Stu doesn’t advertise.
COME ON. What were you thinking Kris?????
What am I going to dress my baby in if you won’t sell the bling????
Was that the Snook’s second comment? The floodgates have opened! I’m going to bedazzle a sweatshirt in celebration.