HP Stuff

So far I’m 35% of the way through the Order of the Phoenix videogame. Sadly, I’ve also run into two bugs so far. The first was when I was unable to get out of the Marauder’s Map screen. After two minutes of fruitlessly pushing buttons, the Snook had to look online and verify that it was impossible. After a restart, the game (and Map) worked perfectly. The other bug was during the task where you’re supposed to help Colin Creevy get his camera down off the roof. There’s a set way you’re supposed to go about it, but I somehow managed to get up on the roof from a different direction. Without thinking, I used a “depulso” charm to push the camera down to the ground. When I got down there, I found I was unable to pick it up and give it to Colin. All I could do was “accio” it around the place. Eventually I had to turn to the Internet again to discover my mistake. If you come at the camera from the proper side, Hermione yells out for you to use “wingardium leviosa” to levitate it down from them. I ended up having to quit and restart the task over. Bad task design, Electronic Arts! Other than that, I’m having a lot of fun running around Hogwarts and lighting things on fire. (“Incendio” is my favorite spell.) I also like that as you discover new things, you unlock prizes in the Room of Rewards. These prizes basically turn out to be little documentary snippets about the making of the game, most of which involve interviews with the movie cast (since so many of them provided voices for the game). I’m just working up my nerve now to head to the Owlery and make out with Cho…