Today’s Outrage

I just got a call from out in the shop.

Co-worker Who Shall Remain Nameless: You know the Vero Tweed, colour #55? The one with the purple in it? Would you call that colour gay?
Me: What?
CWSRN: Gay. Is it a gay colour?
CWSRN: I’ve got a customer on the phone. She’s been after that colour for a while, but she just showed it to her son and she thinks it’s too gay for him. Would you say that?
Me: (spluttering) I’d never say anything like that! Colours are just colours. Newsreaders wear pink shirts and that doesn’t mean they’re gay. She’s an idiot.
CWSRN: Well, what should I tell her?
Me: “Get stuffed.”


2 responses to “Today’s Outrage”

  1. Bex

    LOL peoples are silly

  2. Rachel

    ha ha ha sorry. That’s funny. Can you imagine her idiot of a son? ” naaaaawwww mum! that colour is really gay!” what he actually means is ” OMG not another jumper, mum, please, for the love of GOD! Why can’t you knit me something cool like that jumper Kris knitted for the Snook?”