
How to Share Your Obituary with your Online Friends. Worth bookmarking, folks! Although in my case, you’d probably figure it out pretty quickly, what with my butt not being planted on CouchCam all the time…


One response to “DeadBlogging”

  1. When my late partner died there was quite a bit of online stuff to tidy up – she had had been online for years and had her own domain name, webpages, etc. I had quite a bit of trouble with some of it, as I didn’t know all her usernames, passwords, account details etc. I lost the domain name and access to her webpages due to the idiots running the hosting service, who changed the access details but not the billing details, for instance. Like your bank accounts, insurance, mortgage details, etc, usernames and passwords should be recorded somewhere so that whoever’s taking care of your business can also take care of the online stuff with minimum difficulty.