The universe has rewarded me for the whole Russell-rooting-for-Michigan debacle. We sat down tonight after dinner to watch this week’s episode of My Name is Earl, where Earl gets a job as a salesman in an appliance store. As he was frantically trying to unload an old lady’s appliances in the rain, the music began to swell and I joked to the Snook, “Hey, that sounds like the Rudy theme!” Which was funny, because, you know, Sean Astin was guest-starring. I started to put two and two together. Later, Sean steals Earl’s sale and Earl decides to give up being a salesman… only to have Charles S. Dutton come out to give him a pep talk. “Holy crap! He was the groundskeeper!” I exclaimed. Dutton gave the exact same speech he gave Rudy when he didn’t make the team. Then Earl went to turn in his badge to the store owner, and — “OHMYGOD, IT’S THE GUY WHO PLAYED DAN DEVINE! They’re gonna all come in and put their coveralls down on his desk or something!” And they did.
Greatest episode of Earl ever.
3 responses to “RUUUUUDY!”
That WAS a good episode. I also liked the “Our COPS is on” episode. 🙂 If you haven’t seen it, you should.
I did the SAME thing the first time I saw that episode. The show is hilarious anyway and that episode is the best.
PS I never liked Russel Crowe to begin with. Great actor, but seems like he’s a total douche in real life.