Dorky Nerd Queen.

I am a Dorky Nerd Queen. says I'm a Dorky Nerd Queen.  What are you?  Click here!

I think it’s the “Dumb/Dork/Awkwardness” category that stings the most. Ouch! (Link courtesy of the very non-nerd Mary-Helen.)


5 responses to “Dorky Nerd Queen.”

  1. I don’t know how it happened, but I seem to be an “Uber Cool Nerd” with only 5% dumb/dork/awkward. So I wouldn’t put too much stock in this test.

  2. Don’t worry. I’m a Dorky Nerd Queen as well.

  3. I’m a cool non-nerd. I think it’s geard towards computer nerds and not science nerds.

  4. jussi

    I’m Dorky Nerd King.

    86%, 98%, 63%, 58%, 81%. Live with that!

  5. SlythErin

    I’m a Mega-Dorky Non-Nerd, which is true. I’m a geek about stuff like Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Supernatural and so on, but not a sciency/computery nerd.