Annnnd… Crocs are officially dead to me. I’ll be throwing my old pairs out. This makes me sad.
9 thoughts on “Furry Crocs”
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personal blog of Kris Howard
Annnnd… Crocs are officially dead to me. I’ll be throwing my old pairs out. This makes me sad.
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So bad. So very, very bad.
You mean the photo of G Bush in crocs & socks last summer didn’t kill them for you already??
I saw a whole ton of similar shoe things on display in Christchurch airport. They were taller though, like ugg boots.
Did I never get around to showing you the photo?
Meg and I saw these in Shipshewana about 2 or 3 weeks ago when we went in to get her white crocs for nursing…..I thought they were funny.
I LOVE these! I’m definitely going to buy a pair.
I’m happy to know that you are returning from the Dark Side.
thank god, you know how I feel about Crocs.
Recycle your Crocs.