That frantic, last minute frenzy when you go from “let’s group things in boxes based on their destinations” to “SHOVE THESE DIRTY CLOTHES IN THAT RANDOM BOX NOW.” 😅 But we’re pretty much done. 🚛📦
And we’re back! Did you miss us, Chippendale?? (We’re never moving again, I hope.)
The actual highlight of my week: Remember my beloved sunglasses (“Asian fit” Ray-Bans that actually fit my giant head) that got stolen by the CRIMINAL in Tennessee last year? And then Rodd went to great effort to get me another pair in Japan, but I somehow lost them? On Sunday I saw they were now 50% off and ordered myself a third pair. 😎❤️ (And this better be my last pair, as I think the style is being discontinued…) @rayban