

  • Picked up the GoGet station wagon.
  • Drove to Toast’s flat to pick up half a dozen empty homebrewing kegs.
  • Drove to the city to pick up some freecycled ceramic planters from the Snook’s office.
  • Dropped all that off at home.
  • Drove to Homebush to IKEA* to get a bookcase and a bunch of other stuff.
  • Drove all the way home like a madwoman to make it back within our alloted GoGet time.
  • Stopped off in Glebe to vote.
  • Assembled IKEA.
  • Collapsed on couch.

Phew. What a day. Still no Internet here (we’re “borrowing” a neighbour’s open wireless connection), so I’ll be following the election results on TV tonight. GO KEVIN!

* For my own future reference, it is NOT POSSIBLE to go through the largest IKEA in the Southern Hemisphere in one hour. Must remember to schedule at least two in order not to feel rushed.


2 responses to “Errands”

  1. missfee

    two hours……you have to be joking at least three is required

  2. You went to ikea – you deserve a gold medal or something for that alone.