Vintage Knitting Box

You know that scene in Amelie, where she finds the cigar box full of the young boy’s treasures? That happened to me today. While cleaning my desk, I discovered a box of knitting supplies that a customer had given me several months ago as a donation to the Guild. If I recall correctly, they had belonged to a relative who had passed away, and no one else in the family wanted them. I forgot about them til today. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I opened it up. I’ve put the photos up on Flickr.


3 responses to “Vintage Knitting Box”

  1. Rachel

    OMG!!! That is so beautiful. This ranks as one of the best things I’ve seen in a while. How uplifting.

    I’m going to make one of those belt knitting bags. Not that I wear many belts, nor do I usually like things attaced to belts (like those icky mobile pouch things) but maybe I can attach it to my pram.

    Oh and the lace, I recognizes it! I have a length of it myself that i started but couldn’t figure out how to mitre the corner (mmm maybe I should give it another go) I think it’s Beaconsfield lace…

  2. Bex

    thats so cool… i love vintage stuff!

  3. Aunt d

    I loved the box of knitting stuff and I don’t even knitt.
    Good luck on your new job(adventure) sweetie.