There’s no official confirmation on my sister’s website yet, but Mom rang to let me know that I do indeed have a brand new niece! The baby weighs 8.5 lbs and apparently looks exactly like Penn did. No word on the name yet though…
Update: I’ve got a picture! This is Indie Marie Carbo. (Yes, really. They’ve got a State-theme happening.) She was 8 lb 5 oz and 21 inches long. Born at 12:15pm in the afternoon. So far she sounds just as fractious and grumpy as Penn! Hang in there, Sis…
3 responses to “I have a new niece!”
no wireless internet here in boonies, but i have broadband on my cell. been too tired to trt to figure out how to post from here!
wow! Congratulations to the auntie.
AWWW, so cute. Congrats on the new niece, Kris! Great name. Go Hoosiers. BTW I am hoping to get to the Sydney Boat Show in August … will keep you posted.